We all know that happiness is important. Happiness is about positive wellbeing, feeling a sense of purpose and satisfaction with our lives and generally wanting things to continue as they are. Unhappiness is the reverse, when our sense of wellbeing, purpose and life satisfaction are low and when we want things to be different.
We know that life does not always go the way we hope it will. Sometimes relationships run into difficulties, we may find ourselves out of work, or a loved one becomes seriously ill. It’s natural to feel sadness, anxiety, and anger when we encounter problems, but how can we expect to be happy when things like this are happening in our lives?
Happiness goes a lot deeper than an emotion or mood, which are more like waves and currents on the surface of the ocean. Although positive emotions like joy and contentment are important to happiness, there’s also a foundational sense of well-being and meaningful connection with life. This foundation of happiness supports the good times, as well as providing the resilience to cope when life gets difficult.
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