Although the pandemic has been life-changing in many negative ways, some positive outcomes have emerged. In one recent survey, the majority of people agree that the pandemic has made us more caring and understanding towards each other and also made us more resilient. Some commentators have pointed out that the pandemic may be nature’s way of preparing humanity for the looming environmental challenges. The climate crisis is already changing the lives of many people across the world; from coping and recovering from extreme weather, wildfires, floods, and droughts. As well as the practical and physical health responses to these disasters, providing psychological and emotional help, support and guidance is now an important focus for researchers and public health professionals.
Although the pandemic has an impact, on a more mundane level, we all encounter the challenges that life throws at us at work and in our personal lives. We cope with adversity in different ways; some people seem to flow through difficulties relatively unscathed, while others appear to crumble under the burden. As with many things in life, it’s not just the event, it’s how we react and relate to the difficulty that makes a difference.
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